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ОАО «Жабинковский комбикормовый завод»

About company

Open joint-stock company "Zhabinka feed mill"

One of the largest specialized enterprises in Belarus engaged in the production of compound feed for farm animals and dry pet food for a wide range and purposes.


We offer complete feed for farm animals and dry food for dogs, cats, and rodents of our own production. We guarantee full support of the transaction. The efficiency of product delivery is ensured by the operation of wholesale warehouses of finished products in the cities of Minsk, Vitebsk, Gomel, Bobruisk, Zhabinka, as well as by the well-established work of the enterprise’s logistics service.

Our clients


225101, Republic of Belarus, Brest region, Zhabinka, st. Mira, 1


Payment account BY96BLBB30120200037613001001 in the Banking Services Center No. 402 of OJSC Belinvestbank, Zhabinka

Address: 225101 Zhabinka, st. Svobody, 6a BIK BLBBBY2X

UNP 200037613

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