Brands of own production

""ARMANDO" (for cats)"
Armando salmon flavored dry complete cat food is a high quality, nutritionally balanced, ready-to-eat cat food for cats over a year old.
High quality, complete dry food for kittens and adult cats to help maintain coat and skin health.
"ONLY (for cats)"
Complete, balanced premium dry food for sterilized cats, neutered cats and for home cats. Feed reduces the risk of urolithiasis and obesity.
"PETBOOM (for cats)"
Balanced dry food for adult cats contains the necessary set of nutrients to meet the needs of the body.
""ARMANDO" (for dogs)"
Armando Beef flavored dry dog food for medium to large breeds is a high quality, nutritionally balanced, ready-to-eat food for medium breed dogs over a year old.
"ONLY (for dogs)"
Complete, balanced premium dry food for adult dogs with increased physical activity and senior dogs. Protection of joints and bones (with the introduction of chondroitin and glucosamine).
"PETBOOM (for dogs)"
Balanced dry food for adult dogs contains the necessary set of nutrients to meet the needs of the body.
High quality complete dry food for puppies, adult dogs of small, medium and large breeds provides healthy skin, beautiful coat, strong bones and teeth.
Food for ornamental rodents (hamsters, mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and chinchillas) has an optimal composition of ingredients that meets all the needs of rodents.
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Our advantages

Recognized manufacturer
OJSC "Zhabinka feed mill" is the undisputed leader in the production of dry pet food in the Republic of Belarus. One of the leaders in the production of feed for farm animals, birds and fish. Repeated winner of the competitions "Leader" of the year, "Product of the Year", "Government Award in the field of quality".

High quality products
Compound feeds of our production are high-quality products produced on specialized equipment and according to high-tech production standards

Experience of professionals
Specialists of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "NPC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry", RDUP "Institute of Fisheries", veterinary specialists, specialists of the innovation department and technologists are working on the development of compound feed formulas. All compound feeds are tested and triple controlled.
Dry food Belkorm - this...
health and longevity of pets. Using a scientific approach and the experience of professionals, we create a balanced diet for your pets. Champions grow on our feed! We offer quality food at an affordable price.

ОАО «Жабинковский комбикормовый завод» стал лауреатом Х Республиканской премии «Лидер потребительского рынка – 2024»
Десятая юбилейная церемония вручения Республиканской премии «Лидер потребительского рынка – 2024» состоялась 19 декабря в столичном Президент-Отеле

Белкорм Победитель ХХVI Республиканского конкурса потребительских предпочтений
Белкорм Победитель ХХVI Республиканского конкурса потребительских предпочтений!

Подведены итоги конкурса «Лучший специалист по стандартизации» – 2024
Подведены итоги конкурса «Лучший специалист по стандартизации» – 2024
Начальник производственно- технической лаборатории Наталья Николаевна Кучук получила эту высокую награду.
Награды победителям третьего конкурса «Лучший специалист по стандартизации» – 2024 вручили председатель Госстандарта Елена Моргунова и первый заместитель председателя Мингорисполкома Надежда Лазаревич.

Специальная награда «Стабильное качество» ОАО «Жабинковский комбикормовый завод»
В Государственном учреждении культуры «Коссовский дворцово-парковый комплекс» 30 апреля состоялась церемония награждения лауреатов конкурса «Лучшие товары Республики Беларусь» 2023 года.
Did you have any questions?
Ask them to our specialist and get an answer!
"We are one of the largest suppliers of Zhabinka Feed Mill OJSC products on the WILDBERRIES and Ozon trading floors, we have a long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation with the plant, the plant employees are always courteous and responsive to our requests for the supply of goods. The company's products are in great demand among consumers, as they contain only natural ingredients."
IP P.F. Panchkovsky
07.04.2023"The company "VYBOR101%" expresses its sincere gratitude and deep gratitude to the staff of JSC "Zhabinka feed mill" for fruitful cooperation, high quality of products. We would like to thank the wholesale department for the fact that it is easy to work with them, orders are executed on time and without any complaints. With such a partner, you can be confident in the future."
Founder "CHOICE 101%" Danilov A.G.
28.03.2023"I express my deep gratitude to Zhabinka Feed Mill JSC for reliability, quality, uninterrupted supply of products and long-term cooperation. High quality products and competitive prices make it easy and quick to sell goods to regular customers and new customers. More than 15 years of cooperation with JSC "Zhabinka feed mill" leave only the best impressions and excellent reviews. Perfectly selected employees perfectly cope with their duties, always in touch and ready to help!"
IP Kakranitsa V.A.
24.03.2023"EASTERN SHIP IOOO, Logoisk district, Minsk region, from 01/27/2022 to the present, we use compound feed concentrate KK-80 produced by JSC Zhabinkovsky feed mill in feeding for pregnant and lactating ewes. The quality of balanced granulated feed satisfies the needs of our animals to maintain health, vitality and high productivity. We plan to continue to work with Zhabinka Feed Mill JSC in the direction of using efficient and safe work."
Deputy director Mirzavand. M.
12.10.2022"ChTUP "Zoograd" thanks "BELKORM" for the timely delivery of goods that meet the accepted quality standards."
Director I.S. Martynenko