About veterinary pharmacies "ONLY ZOO"
Only Zoo veterinary pharmacy chain - a new round in the development of Belkorm retail trade. Vet pharmacies operate in a modern format, where the entire line of feed, pet supplies and veterinary drugs for pets and farm animals. Dry and wet food of various price categories, treats, ammunition, clothing, trays and fillers, care products, vitamins, drops, medicines, vaccines and much more – Everything is available in the Only Zoo veterinary pharmacies.
- Брестская область
- Brest district
- Pinsk district
г. Брест, ул. Адамковская, 45/1
Mon-Sun 9.00-20.00, no lunch, no days off, tel: 8 0162 58-05-81 8 029 773-43-88
г. Брест, п-т. Машерова, 70-44
Mon-Sun from 09:00 to 20:00, no lunch, no days off, tel: 8 0162 55-78-05 8 029 819-78-05
Брестский р-н, а.г.Страдечь, ул. Александрова, 58/4
Mon-Sun 9.00-20.00, no lunch, no days off, tel: 80162 59-23-19
г. Брест, ул. Бориса Маслова, 9
Пн-Вс 9.00-20.00, без обеда, без выходных, тел: 8 0162 50-13-12
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