Adress Zhabinka, st. Mira, 1
Phone +375 1641 6-32-72, +375 29 512-08-08
Working hours Daily from 08:00 to 21:00
E-mail privoz@zhivkorm.by
About the Privoz store
A modern grocery store offers customers a wide range of goods: sausages and deli meats, dairy products, fish, semi-finished products, fresh vegetables and fruits, groceries, a wide selection of confectionery and fresh home-made baked goods. In Privoz you can also buy household goods and dry pet food "Belkorm".
For the convenience of our clients, we offer the PRE-ORDER service. By calling the number: +375 29 512-08-08 you can order any food products in advance. In addition, in the Viber group “PRIVOZ” our employees will answer all your questions.
"PRIVOZ" - a store with affordable prices!